by | Jan 9, 2025 | Regional Updates

Wishing everyone all the best for the new year and hope all had a festive holiday season and managed to get in some great turns. The season kicked off with Ignition Days around the region and the new year brings plenty more great on-snow events starting with Northern Festival in Murray Ridge and Troll and continues with City Lights, Big Mountain Pro Days and more. We look forward to seeing you on the slopes.

Be sure to check out the website for the latest news.

ProView has re-launched as an online magazine. Check out the website for some skiing and teaching tips, member profiles, mental prep and other great articles. If you have a story, experience, or ski/teaching tip to share for the next edition, let us know at admin@snowprobc.com.

Do you need financial assistance for your next CSIA course? Here are some ways to apply for some help in offsetting your course costs:

  1. Bursaries – Offering 6 regional bursaries.
  2. Community Chest Program

Deadline is February 28, 2025. Visit the website for details.

Who loves contests? The BC/Yukon Region Ski Town contest is returning for 2025. What makes your resort unique and how does your snow school, resort and ski community come together to share the passion and spirit of skiing. Visit the website for the latest contest information and follow us on Instagram.

Speaking of contests, what do western skiers have in common with the Titanic?

Send your answer to contests@snowprobc.com for a chance to win a prize. (winner drawn at random from entries, must be a current CISA member residing in BC or the Yukon to participate) We had some great answers regarding the snowman question which ranged from smelling carrots to romances that would melt in the spring. Congratulations to Tony whose name was randomly drawn for a prize.