Throughout the 2023-2024 season we will celebrate 85 years of dedication and excellence +Together.
“+Together” embodies the spirit of the CSIA, united in a love for skiing and working together to share the sport with others.
In-person, on-snow, on-line. Across the country, in every region there will be opportunities for us to be +Together as proud members of the CSIA.
Be sure to follow @CSIAAMSC on Facebook and Instagram for updates on events and promotions.

The 2023 AGM notice has been sent to all Members. This year, the AGM will take place at the Fairmont Chateau Louise, in Lake Louise (Alberta), on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 at 5:30 MST. Click here to consult the full notice.

My Registration History
Looking for information about an upcoming session? Want to see a list of your past Program participations? Look no further! Your Member Area now includes the My Registration History section, which serves as a dashboard of your past and future registrations. Take a look!
Improved Navigation
The website menus have been updated to help you find the information you need, more easily.
- Programs: Find all on-snow Courses, Exams, Events and Pro Days under the same section.
- Resources: a clearer classification by type of resources was introduced. Don’t forget that logged in Members have access to more educational content!
- Initiatives: Still under construction, this new menu will collect the various CSIA initiatives, such as Scholarships, Women In Skiing Mentorship, etc.
- Member Area: Find all your personal information in a single place, from your Membership card (Google wallet now supported!) to your pathway (including certificates and online evaluation forms), to your tax receipts.
Come in, we’re open! (Member Benefits and Upcoming Programs)
- CSIA Scholarship: Apply before January 31st, 2024, using the form in your Member Area.
- Pro Deals: Most of our Sponsor’s Pro Deals are now available. Look for the full list in your Member Area.
- Level 4 Academy: Apply towards the early season Selection Camps through the end of November. All details available in the L4 description page.
- On-snow Programs: Head to the Search and Register page and start training! More sessions are constantly added so come back often!
- The traditional Fall Pro Days Camps are happening! May it be at Lake Louise, Tremblant, Mont-Sainte-Anne (Atlantic Camp) or Table Mountain (Central Camp – coming soon), we got you covered!
- The WIS Summit is coming to Mont-Sainte-Anne, January 31st to February 2nd, 2024. Full details coming soon!
- Register early and save. Registration fee goes up 14 days prior to start date and closes completely 7 days prior.
- Under 25 and seeking your Level 2? Don’t forget that a 5% discount will automatically apply to your cart, when registering to a Level 2 Certification Program.
Our photo contest on Facebook was such a hit, that we’ve decided to extend it! We want to give you more time to participate and to share your wonderful stories.
If you have not had a chance to do so, please share your best photo and story expressing what you love about being a CSIA Member on our CSIA Facebook page with the following hashtag : #CSIAAMSCphotos, prior to December 8, 2023.
Then, a top 10 will be selected by our Selection Committee and the ultimate winner will be chosen by the CSIA Members through popular vote on Facebook.
Good luck!
Wear your CSIA branded items with pride! Check out 2 of the new The North Face items available on the CSIA online store. With Member prices providing more than 30% savings (compared to suggested retail prices), how can you resist?

Find these items and more CSIA logoed items only available to Members at Member prices on the CSIA snowpro.com online store.
Winter is coming & YOUR Technical & Education Committee (TEC) is BACK!
The TEC is a committee of volunteers and staff that has existed in different forms for nearly as many years as the CSIA. We are Members like yourselves. We are Instructors, Course Conductors, teachers, trainers, resort operators, and coaches. Most of all, we are dedicated, passionate skiers and teachers who support the CSIA and what it stands for. Our role is to help the CSIA deliver the absolute best possible technical content, courses, and training opportunities possible. We work hand in hand with the dedicated team of staff, and the passionate members of your National Board of Directors. We use feedback gathered from the Membership to shape research, suggestions, and recommendations that the CSIA uses to guide its decisions around what defines Canadian Ski Teaching and Ski Technique.

The TEC is now operating under a new Terms of Reference. You can read more about that here. In its new composition, the TEC will have 1 member appointed by each region, 3 members at large selected by the TEC, and 3 members of the staff team. Combined, we will be working very hard to engage with our Members and Course Conductors delivering CSIA Courses. We want to hear from you our email is below! In regard to our technique, methodology, and educational pathway we want to know what’s working, what makes sense, what helps you be the best Ski Pro possible. We also want to know what isn’t working and how we can help improve upon that.
Want to get involved? The TEC will be meeting at Lake Louise November 26 – 29, 2023. We will be working with Course Conductors in their annual training, gathering feedback and developing plans for the season ahead. An important part of our efforts will be outlining the skill sets we need in our 3 Member at Large seats. At a high level, we will be looking for Level 1, 2, 3 or 4 Course Conductors who are keen to get involved in a variety of projects that will help shape the future of the CSIA’s technical content, methodology and course / training offerings. Specific details will be released following our November meetings. If this sounds interesting already, please stay tuned!
How else can you help? We would love your feedback and we would love to hear from you! Take our Survey, or reach out by email! Survey responses will be used to develop and prioritize the projects the TEC takes on over the next season and into the future.
Click here to take our survey!
Reach out by email – TEC@Snowpro.com
Thank you for being a Member, thank you for being passionate Instructors & skiers, thank you for an incredible 85 years! We look forward to shaping the next 85 with you!
Your TEC,
BC – Josh Foster
Alberta – Warren Jobbitt
Central – Dave Bradley
Ontario – AJ Leeming
Quebec – Roger Castonguay
Atlantic – Erin Touchie
At Large Seat 1 – Coming Soon
At Large Seat 2 – Coming Soon
At Large Seat 3 – Coming Soon
Staff – Kyle Amstrong
Staff – Luc Néron
Staff – Mario Bourassa
Women in Skiing (WIS) Representative – Christine Davidson
The 2023 Interski Congress took place last March in Levi, Finland. Our CSIA Interski Team came back with loads of technical information and new ideas to share with you. Here are the reports prepared by Julie Sauvageau and Jean-François Beaulieu about their journey in Finland.
Click here to read Julie Sauvageau’ s report. Click here to read Jean-François Beaulieu’s report.
Stay tuned next month! Some more reports from the Team Members will be published.
As valued CSIA Members, we want to ensure you feel informed, engaged, and best equipped to take your love of skiing and ski instruction to the next level. We have decided to include a new feature called CSIA Up Close in all editions of the CSIA Communiqué going forward. This special section will include answers to our Membership’s top three most frequently asked or pressing questions. You ask, we answer! Please send your questions to questions@snowpro.com.
Click here to read the first Q&A.

Hello Atlanticonians!
Famous Ski Instructor T.J. Burke once said “Do you smell that? Winter is coming.”
With winter coming the Atlantic Board has a small update for you!
Get your nominations in for joining the Atlantic Board by November 19th! Voting info will be sent out November 20th and results presented at the Annual General Meeting at Mont-Sainte-Anne on December 9th. We promise accurate counting through our state-of-the-art abacus. If that doesn’t work, we have great back up at head office with computers.
Click here to read the full details and to fill out the nomination form.
The Atlantic Board works hard to help the Atlantic Members. If you have a passion for our Region and some free time, the Atlantic Board could use you! We have a meeting monthly and some smaller commitments to help organize projects.
Hall of Fame REMINDER – Your best and most amazing can be nominated to join the inaugural class to the CSIA Atlantic Hall of Fame! Who do you know that is amazing? Who do you know that deserves recognition? Click here to nominate them. What better way could there be to show your appreciation for all they have done?
The Mont-Sainte-Anne Members’ Convention is right around the corner. Grab your skis and tell everyone you are heading to the hills! The dates are December 9-11, 2023! Sign up for any of the following courses to start your season off with a bang! The Bang is being used to describe a good time. Not falling. Although falling is ok. It means you are learning. Learning ways to blame the equipment or conditions am I right?! *high fives*
- Community Kick-Start – Pre-season refresher you can take with your peers regardless of Level – focus on fun, and social ski improvement – improvement generally.
- Level 1, 2, 3 Pro Days – Ski improvement and teaching refresher based on your level -improvement specifically.
- Women In Skiing Pro Day- Some rad females, let me tell ya!
Registration information and details for the Convention weekend can be found under Programs / Events on snowpro.com.
The CSIA Quebec Committee is back with Skiposium 2.0! Save the date: Friday, November 17, 2023, starting at 1 p.m.
Come ski for free with your CSIA Quebec Committee and Level 4 Instructors for the afternoon on a private slope at Sommet Saint-Sauveur, Versant Avila! Afterwards, join the CSIA Quebec Committee members for a welcome cocktail at 4 p.m., followed by the CSIA Quebec Annual General Meeting at 6 p.m. on site.
Stay tuned, as we’ll soon be announcing the 2023-2024 season activities we’ve prepared for you, dear Quebec Members: the “Playing on Snow” Instructor training program offered free of charge in collaboration with your Snow School, contests, and much more! Follow us on Facebook and keep an eye on your e-mail!
Greetings from the BC Region,
Seeing your breath in the crisp morning air and snow blanketing the peaks can only mean one thing. The winter season is almost upon us, and the BC/Yukon Regional Board can’t wait to get back on the slopes!
Are you ready for the first run? Check out the Get Ready for Winter series for some great training tips to help you prepare for the upcoming season. Videos are on our YouTube channel and links are on the website under the resources/training tab.
Planning on taking a course this season? The BC/Yukon Region is continuing to support professional development and ongoing education through our Scholarships and Bursaries. Click here for more information.
Looking to develop your technique while having fun on the slopes? Regional Events are returning with the usual suspects (Ignition Days, Northern Festival, City Lights and Spring Fling) as well as some new additions to the line-up. Dates and locations are being confirmed, so check the website for the latest updates and snowpro.com to register.
Who doesn’t like a Contest? Follow us on @csiabc for more info about some great contests that are coming soon.
Due to an increased workload and time commitments, Paul Sauvé has taken the difficult decision to step down as the BC/Yukon representative on the National Board. The Regional Board would like to thank Paul for all the hard work, countless hours, and dedication he has committed to the CSIA both regionally and nationally and wish him all best moving forward. As per by-laws, National is working with the Region to find a suitable replacement to complete the term.
Looking forward to the snow falling and seeing you on the slopes soon!

By Warren Jobbitt / CSIA L4 Instructor and L4 Course Conductor

Every year, when ski season begins, it feels as if there are an unlimited number of days to ski and train. The reality is that the season always ends too quickly. If your intention is to make changes in your skiing this season, be intentional and start on day 1. Day 1 doesn’t have to be at the level you finished last spring, however, consider the following and even your first turn on snow this year will make you a better skier.
The most powerful learning moments come when we make mistakes. Skiing at the SAFE edge of your ability, where you make mistakes, makes you smarter. Here are the ingredients to ensure you are safely skiing at the edge of your ability. On a subjective scale of 1-10, grade the following:
- Physical: How does your body feel at this very moment? Do you have full range of motion in your joints? Do you have strength in your muscles over a large range of motion? How is your energy?
- Cognitive: Do you have a plan? Do you know what movement you are trying to execute? Do you know what size turn you want to make? Will it be big or small? Will it be carved of skidded? Having a planned objective, results in your ability to measure the outcome. Good or bad, anytime you can decide whether your plan met with success or not, you are learning.
- Psychological: Are you excited (6/10)? Are you nervous or scared (1/10)? Are you curious (10/10)?
Example 1:
You are feeling strong and have a lot of energy (Physical 10/10). You have a plan; you know what movement you are going to attempt and what the objective is (Cognitive 10/10). You are curious to see what happens, if you can meet the objective you planned (Psychological (10/10). An average of the above gives you a training intensity of 10/10. You might choose to try this at full speed, you might stay on blue or black terrain.
Example 2:
You are a bit tired; your legs are a bit stiff (Physical 5/10). You are unsure of what movement you need to make to result in a carved turn (Cognitive 5/10). You are a bit frustrated with your skiing (Psychological 5/10). Your training intensity at this point is 5/10. You can still have a positive learning effect at this point in your day. Choose a green run, do a roller blade like turn and find the movements required to achieve a more carved arc.
Remember, skiing with the appropriate intensity based on your check-in above equals purposely operating at the SAFE edges of your ability. Every turn is an opportunity to develop.
Have a fun and safe season!